Community Partners Week is a giving event where we can partner together to financially bless six local organizations that are on the front lines of meeting critical needs! During March 6 -12, you can make a financial donation to Love of Christ Church and 100 percent will be given to the following:

  • A Door of Hope, which helps women in crisis pregnancy situations.
  • Deep Roots Homeless Shelter, which offers a safe haven, services and events to families experiencing homelessness and poverty.
  • Good Neighbors, who do home repairs for seniors, single moms, disabled veterans & the working poor. 
  • Lift Up Lake Street, which provides homes home repairs, food, and prayer for low-income families in Middletown.
  • Our Daily Bread, that provides meals for low-income families.
  • Sunday Breakfast Mission, which offers support and assistance to the inner-city homeless.

This is a simple way we can make a significant difference in the lives of local people in need and show them the love of Christ!
Here are 2 ways you can participate:
  1.  Write out a check to Love of Christ Church and put “Community Partners” in the memo line.
  2. To give online, click the button below then choose "Community Partners" in the dropdown menu.