We offer dynamic in-person services on Sundays at our Bear location at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM, and our Middletown location at 11:00 AM. For those who need to participate from home, we also have church online services on Sundays at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 8:00 PM, where you can join a community of believers from all over the world. A chat host will be there to welcome you, offer private prayer, and provide you with pertinent information so you can make the most of your experience! You can also catch our online services on-demand any other time of the week.
What will you experience during our services? Nothing short of a life-changing encounter with the Living God! Through inspiring worship and relevant, Biblical teaching, you will come to know God's love in a personal way, be encouraged to pursue a relationship with Christ, and be inspired to touch those you know with His saving love. Each time we gather in God's presence, hope is restored, hearts are healed, and faith grows to new levels. No wonder Sunday is our favorite day of the week!
What will you experience during our services? Nothing short of a life-changing encounter with the Living God! Through inspiring worship and relevant, Biblical teaching, you will come to know God's love in a personal way, be encouraged to pursue a relationship with Christ, and be inspired to touch those you know with His saving love. Each time we gather in God's presence, hope is restored, hearts are healed, and faith grows to new levels. No wonder Sunday is our favorite day of the week!