January 5 - 26

Every January, we as a church, enter into 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. We do this to help us refocus our hearts on God and to incline our ears to His voice. It is through Him that we receive divine direction, strength, blessings, comfort, and breakthroughs in our lives.

Want some mid-week prayer inspirations? Join Pastor Kirk on Facebook Live at 7a on Wednesdays, Jan 8, 15, and 22.


Bear: January 12 & 19
Middletown: January 19 & 26

We are committed to helping you find your God-given purpose and become all He has destined you to be! Our two-part Connect Classes will help you get connected to the family of believers, learn how God has uniquely gifted you, and use your God-given gifts to make a difference in others' lives!

If you're ready to take the next step and live out your purpose, click the button below for details and to sign up!


January 26 // 6p

Join us as we wrap up 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting  with a  Worship Night at the Bear Campus! This is always an encouraging and inspiring event, and this time we've added some special elements for an even-more meaningful experience!


January 31 // 7p

It's a New Year and our Young Adult Ministry is starting off in full throttle! If you're between the ages of 18 - 29, we invite you to join us at the Bear Campus for a night of fellowship, fun, and the chance to think about your unique design and what "Drives" you!


February 2 // 11a

Join us as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our Middletown Campus, and look forward to the great things God has for us in the future!


February 9

Our next Water Baptism Service is February 9, and we can’t wait to celebrate with those who have chosen new life through faith in Christ!

If you have made a decision to follow Jesus - or recently rededicated your life to Him - and want to participate in Water Baptism, click the button below to get details and sign up.


February 22 // 9a

Guys, join us for our next Men's Breakfast on February 22, at 9a, this time at the Bear Campus. We've invited Guest Speaker, Pastor Curt Seaburg of Victory Church in Lancaster, PA, to share a special message with you.

Grab your friends and sons (ages 12 and up) and come for a hot breakfast, games with prizes, and a powerful worship experience. Click the button to register now and you will automatically be entered to win a prize!