Leading a Group
We are excited about your interest in leading a small group for the upcoming semester!

New Leaders

If you have not led a Love of Christ Church small group before, please click the "New Leader Training Manual" button below to download the file. Then click the "New Leader Training Video" button to follow along with Pastor Steve. In 9-short minutes, you'll get equipped with everything you need to start leading a group and making a difference in others' lives!

Upon completion of the training material, please fill out the Small Group Leader Application Form & email to Info@LoveOfChristChurch.org, or mail it to the church office. Someone will then contact you with more information on how to proceed.

Past or Current Leaders

If you have led a small group before and would like to register your group, please click the "Create a Group" link below and follow the prompts to register your group for the next semester. We are so grateful for your heart to serve the Lord in this capacity and can't wait to see what God will do in and through you!